Thursday, February 18, 2010
School Crush!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Anna and Rebel 2; Stuffies 0
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Training aka a lot of Sittin
She ran some errands then came home and said it was time to "Go for a ride to do some training!" SCORE! She got my little training pack, I jumped in the back of the car and off we went to a local park. NO ONE was there so we had it all to ourselves.
Mom worked on my sits/downs and sit/down stays. It was cool out, but after running around a little bit, it was really nice up there. AND I was teknically following the leash law cause I was wearing my leash! Here's some photos:
I sit and stay and mom gets really excited...sigh.
Down/Stay and guarding the bag which holds extra noms!
Off leash (well, not teknically since we have a leash law...I'm a rebel!) come
Preparing to slobber all over mom!
Using my super sonik radar detekting ears!
It was a lot of fun, I chased mom and wrestled in the grass with her. Then I got home and wrestled with Rebel. I passed OUT last night! I never moved! Hope you all had a great weekend, I'm off to nap. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Duncan Dog Day!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Snowdog for Max Dog!!
I wanted to share some snow photos...and I had to keep a promise. Mr. Max Dog isn't feeling well and I promised him I'd make him a snowdog (snowmen are soooooo overrated!) since he's never seen snow. So without further delay......DRUMROLL!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to stay put...all my snow is turning to ice! Boo! But snow is fun to eat!!!
School, Noms and Snowpocolypse Watch
It's just starting to stick, so I don't have any good photos, but I will this afternoon. We're now up to the projected 3-5 inch amount for the day. WOW!!! The Snowpocolypse is ON like Donkey Kong (I have no idea what these means, mom says it sometimes!).
In other news, last night was very eventful. I had school and let me just say, I kicked ass. Yep, I did and took names.
We got there early, I was a little nervous and mom had me to do some sits and downs and she had CHEESE! Then the other class got out early so we went ahead and got in the ring where I got to warm up and did good. The rest of the class I sat, did downs, walked pretty and even wagged my tail and played with my toy. I had fun!!
And then I got a present from my boyfriend, Chewy the Shihtzu. Mom's going to get a photo of him next week. Chewy had a b'day party (he's one...I know, I'm such a cougar! RAWR!) and brought me some noms from his party! Awww! What a great man!
Then one of the instruktors who was filling in (our main instruktor had a stomach bug....ew!) was very impressed with my sit/down stays! Mom asked if she could drop the leash so she could walk further away and they said OK. So mom walked 15 feet away from me for a minute. The new instruktor was very impressed and used me as an example of a down stay!
Mom said she should have seen me four weeks ago and then she'd be really impressed! Mom wishes Instruktor Beth was there to see this! But we'll just show off more next week. Right now I'm sitting warm in the house until mom gets home to play in the snow with me. I'll have photos I promise and I'm working on my snow-dog plans for Max Dog!!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Snow, Birthdays and Rebel!
Friday, February 5, 2010
In the Dark
Anyway, last night we went to school. It was dark and rainy and windy. When I got into class I was nervous and shaking a little bit, then the other doggies from my class showed up and I started wagging my tail and calming down.
I didn't really listen worth a crap last night when it came to "sits" mom had to tap my butt, but I was more aware of mom and not near as spazzy---until BOOM!
Thunder, big boom, lights out.
OMG I was in the dark with all these weird dogs (and Chewy, my shihtzu boyfriend)!! Mom had me and told me to stay calm. Finally the lights came back on and I was like "what the crap?!?!"
I started to shake a little bit again, but mom got me into walking pretty and I calmed down. I do really good at my sit/down stays. Mom can be 3-6 feet from me and I just sit there...mostly cause I'm looking around but I did watch her during some of her "watch me's!"
Afterwards the trainer said I was still doing great compared to how I was...oh and that' I'm pretty. So I licked her in the face. We only have four classes left before the TEST...OMG, I don't know how this is going to go. Guess mom will be dragging me out again this weekend to do some more outside/new place/Petsmart training.
Hope you have a great weekend!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
My Secret Lair! Muwhahahahaha!
I've been going under the bed while mom gets ready for work in the mornings. Mom doesn't know what I do down there, but she hears some odd shredding like noises that tend to stop when she says "Anna? What ya doin down there?" Only to resume later in a menacing munching manner.
Today, mom decided to look under the bed. She had to prepare herself for the carnage she might see in my secret puppy lair of doom (insert theatrical villain music here).
She lowered down, lifted up the bed skirt and saw.....
Me! Okay, so it doesn't look THAT bad you say. Other than the dust bunnies mom doesn't vacuum, what's the big deal....let's zoom out shall we and use my telestrator to show you the true carnage:
Hi, my name is Annabelle and I have a TP/Kleenex problem. I love to grab them and sneak them to my lair, rip them to shreds and roll around in their feather-like carcasses! Then I finish it off by stealing all of mom and dad's socks! Muwhahahahahahaha!!!
Mom was not amused...she took the sock but left the torn bodies of the TP and kleenex (and the dust bunnies who I think I can make an army las resistance bunnies!!) for another day.