Hey all!! I'm baaaaack! Mom, for the most part has the teknical diffikulties figured out.
Everything's been going well. Two major things have happened since I last blogged:
1. The bathroom is finished! I'll do another blog with more pics later.
2. I GRADUATED obedience school! I'm not a puppyschool dropout!!
Thursday night was our exam. It was a dark and stormy night. Dad went with us, but had to leave the room. I was so focused on watching dad that I didn't focus on the task at hand.
We did the exam and I did my heeling perfectly, did my sit/stay/recall, broke my sit stay with like 10 seconds left and did my down stay the whole time. I still wouldn't let Dr. Vet do the whole sit for an exam by a stranger thing....mom doesn't understand this, since I'll let her and anyone else touch me OUTSIDE the ring, but not inside it. Dr. Vet calls is "ring anxiety"
Anyway, mom thought we didn't pass, but Dr. Vet came and told us we all passed! Out of 12, only four of us made it all the way through and we passed! Chewy too!! Mom even submitted my graduation info for her work newsletter which highlights all the peoples' kids who graduate from high school and kindergarten. My entry reads:
Annabelle (Anna), furkid of Tiffany, graduated Basic Obedience from MADOC. She plans to re-enroll in the fall for Novice I.So now I'm on summer break until August. Mom goes and gets my diploma next week, as well as my perfect attendence award. This of course means we'll need a photoshoot of me and my graduation paper!
Anyway, I'm off to go read everyone else's blogs...I have a lot of catching up to do!!!