Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Mom's NYE Revolutions

Guess what I found! Mom's list of New Year's Revolutions!! It's not about losing weight or promising to do something, it seems that mom may have learned something from doggy-dom!

1) It's not the expensive, material items that count, sometimes you can be just as content with a sock and spending time with your family.

2) Greet the day by showering kisses on whoever happens to be nearest your nose, and start the day by assuming it will be the best day EVER!

3) Assume that the best spot on the couch is meant just for you, and if someone is already sitting there assume they want you to snuggle with them.

4) Always forgive, forget and look for the best in people, no matter what someone may have done to you.

5) When life sends a cold, wet, miserable rain, don't complain about it; dig a giant mud pit and woller in it. It's more fun that it sounds.

6) Just because something looks good enough to eat doesn’t mean it’s good for you.

7) Always try to please those you love the most, and let them know how happy you are they are in your life by greeting them like they've been gone for a bajillion years when they come back after a five minute trip to the store.

8) Trust your instincts...your gut is usually right.

9) A wet kiss covers a multitude of sins.

10) See the world as a whole new place to explore, make every experience count and always bound out for adventures.

Wow, not bad mom! I wonder where she could have learned all of those GREAT things from?? Hmmm?

I guess I need to think about my own Revolutions...but how do you mess with perfection? Seriously! Okay, okay, maybe I need to start with humility! Nah! :)

What are your NYE Revolutions for 2011?


  1. That is a great list! I think I might just resolve not to make any resolutions! BOL!


  2. Wisely said mommy !!! I think we should all have that as one of our 2011 resolution


  3. Your mom has some really great resolutions!! We haven't even made any yet!! Lots of love, Holly and mom

  4. Well, um, let's see, mom would like fur me to resolve to stop walking in circles when I poo so she only has to scoop once per poo instead of 10 times per poo. I say she should resolve to get ofur it after dealing with it fur almost 10 years.

  5. Wow! It is a wonderful list for year 2011. Your mom is really wonderful and sweet.
    I haven't done my resolution list yet, may be I should sit down with a cup of coffee and start thinking about it now.

  6. LOVE THIS POST!!!! If you can live by these revolutions, you're all set in my book. I think I'll have to print these out and post them near my desk at home. A little "how to" guide! Thanks for sharing, and Happy New Year!!
