Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Duncan-ator

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Guess what I did....

Dig dig dig!!

I'm lookin' for pie-rate treasure!!!
No pie, but I have lots of sand on my face!
What you think Duncan??
I think you're working way too hard, it's a vacation you doofus!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Vacation Day One

Dunc and I are big pimpin on our patio!

What is all this stuff???

Don't fall for it Dunc!
He totally fell for it...
This is the biggest creek ever I think!

Dunc says LIFE IS GOOD!!
Yeah, I think I can get used to this!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Vote for me!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Rain...Le Sigh

Sigh. While the last few days have been awesome with cupcakes and toys and whatnot, I swear, all this rain is driving me crazy! It's rained here like everyday for two or three weeks!
My yard is a mess. The grass is tall and my mud pit/hole is in a constant state of disrepair. I am worried that it's going to be condemmed. There was finally a break in the rain enough for dad to try to cut the grass but then the wheel came off the lawnmower (I thought this was funny, apparently, not so much to Dad) so we have this lovely crop circle in the front yard.
Oh, and ants are freakin everywhere!! Ants are basically impossible to attack. The only good thing I've found is that the froggies come out but there's only so much froggie squishing a girl can handle.
We haven't done any tracking since mom was sick and the rain has been so bad. I can't go play in the creek cause the creek is flooded and mom say the "curr-ent" is too strong and might sweep me away...which sounds like a bad thing.
At least I'm not in George-ah where apparently it's really bad. I hope any of my George-ah friends are okay and safe with their peoples.
Mom said she's never seen so much rain before...me neither, but again, I'm only like one so I'll have to take her word on it. Mom says hopefully it will be sunny when we go to the beach this weekend. I hope so! I need some Vitamin D! Stat!
It's so rainy I haven't even seen any squirrels! I thought I saw one the other day, went to chase it and it was just a stinkin' pinecone. Bah. Rain sucks cat poop.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
B'day Loot and a Stupid Hat

Hmm....wonder what's in here???
OMG a pink camo WUBBA!!! I love wubba's!!!
What do you think Duncan??
Wow! Wubba, a giant spider and an Octopus Cuz!!
Yeah, I racked up! I love Wubba's (go get your dog one now!) and I've already partially amputated on of spider's legs. The Octopus Cuz is also great, it's by the same people who make my Bawk Bawk and Cuz. They squeak LOUD!
Okay, now onto a more pressing subject. Mom decided to humiliate me by putting an ice cream cone on my head. This is NOT cool like a Band-Anna. Here's the photographic evidence of my torture...someone call the SPCA on them!!!
So I destroyed the first one, thinking awesome it's all done! But noooooo mom got a pack of the damn icecream cones. I finally relented so she could get one more picture....
Then tried to find the ice cream in the cone. There wasn't any, so I just destroyed this one as well. She gave up after that, but she was highly entertained and said I looked "so cute". I ain't buying it. Whatever makes her happy I guess...but sometimes peoples are so weird.
Monday, September 21, 2009

Mom brought the puppy cupcakes with us and she frosted them and made them all yummy!
"Did someone say cupcakes???"
Notice I'm sportin' my B'day Band-Anna mom made for me!
There's the cupcakes!!! Yumm!!!!

Rebel really liked his! After licking all the icing off!
We had a really good time. Mom and dad got some prezents too. I was tired by the time we got home. Mom said tonight Aunt Temple is coming down to stay with us. I was like "wow! I'm important!" then she told me it was because Aunt Temple had some work stuff to do in town--but she'd be happy to see me on my b'day too.
I heard mom mention to daddy something about going to Petsmart to get my prezent and then getting me a b'day hat. I'm not too sure about the hat thing, but I'm all about presents!! Mom said I'm not a "puppy" anymore, but dad said I'd always be his little pumpkin puppy! I'm so glad they're my parents, and also glad there's extra cupcakes left over for tonight!!!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Mojo and Cupcakes!

Notice the lucky game/mojo dirt!

Then there's the frosting....which is 1pkg reduced fat cream cheese and 2 Tbs honey. Put on the cupcakes. Mom said then she's going to roll the frosted cupcakes in crushed up milkbone treats! Score!!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Therapy Friends
Duncan said he'd teach me to "work the crowd" like he does...he's such a pro!!!
These are "the poodles" Duncan's nemisis although he doesn't pay them any mind.
I thought someone had drug in and killed a bear....
OMG it's a dog!! I thought I was big, but holy crap!!! (he drooled.. A LOT!)
Checkin' out the puppies and peoples
This husky was just rescued...they had to shave her cause her coat was so matted and nasty. I like huskies!!
All in all it was a good day. It stopped raining enough for us to enjoy the picnic. Mom is getting me ready for my b'day party tomorrow and made some doggy cupcakes. I'll show them to you tomorrow...I taste tested one, it was delicious! Shhh!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Sick Peoples
I've been doing a lot of fever checks (licking her forehead), bug patroling, tissue removal (tearing apart all her used tissues), bed sore reduction service (making her move by letting me out, feeding me, etc.) and kitty protection (I don't trust them near a sickly mommy!).
I found the best thing I can do is just crawl in bed with mom and let her snuggle up next to me and sleep. I admit, this is pretty awesome, I just wish she felt better. Daddy had to work last night and when he got home I was sooo hyper! So he stayed up and played with me and my Cuz. Then I went to check on mom and crashed. Dad said I'm the best doggie nurse ever and that he was very proud of me for being a good girl.
Mom says she has to feel better, we have a busy weekend! My b'day is Monday and we're going to see Granny and Papa and Aunt Temple Sunday and mom wants to make b'day cupcakes for me, Duncan, Lola and Rebel. How awesome is that??
Tomorrow is Duncan's kickoff picnic with his therapy buddies. Mom wants to take both of us, but daddy said only if she feels better. Duncan is a therapy dog that visits local nursing homes. I went once or twice last year...I'm a little wary of wheelchairs, but mom thinks I'll be fine as long as Big Bro Duncan is there with me. I would like to meet some of his friends though!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
They keep coughing. But no furballs come up. They just cough. And cough. Then lay around. I didn't even get a walk last night!
So after realizing one of my worst fears might be coming to pass, I asked mom, "Mom, are you turning into a kitty??" and she said no silly, that mom and daddy were feeling under the weather. That they must have caught a bug from somewhere but they should be better soon.
After hearing this, I've gone on bug patrol around the house....going after any sort of bug. Flies, ladybugs, moths. I ain't takin the chance of them getting to my peoples! Then after a small bug massacre, mom explained that it's not an actual "bug" but a cold. I still have no idea what she's talking about so I just nodded my head and kept looking for bugs.
I hope they feel better soon. We leave for the beach in a week-ish and we're going to Granny and Papa's this weekend for b'day celebrations. Until then, I'm on bug patrol. I've even wrangled the kitties to help me watch out for bugs, since the kitties need the peoples for foods!
Monday, September 14, 2009

Check out this pose below...I can sell any outfit I tell ya! Mom helped me vizualize by telling me to think of being in the Swiss mountains...with the hills alive with music and stuff.
No I worked my profile. This I think, really helps sell the outfit. And Tyra says it's ALL about selling the clothes!
I also channeled a little bit of Tyra by throwing a model-hissy fit. I mean I wanted some treats and some bully sticks STAT! Don't you know who I AM???
Finally, I just called it quits. The puparatizi was just too much...I mean all those flashes might give me wrinkles or somethin!
Dad says it has to stop raining soon. Mom and I have gone crazy. He's just jealous cause he can't smile with his eyes!!!