Well, he's not really missing! But if he was, I could find him!
This weekend, mom and dad decided I needed to get out of the house and work. So in the evenings when it cooled down to 95 degrees we went tracking! Here's an old post about my tracking, but now we do more search and rescue type tracking.
Friday night, mom went out the front door, walked a block away to the school, then across a field and hid in some trees. It was my job to lead dad to her. So I got to sniffin....once we got up to the field no one was there so dad let me and my mighty snoz off leash and BAM! I found mom!
Sunday night, dad was the bait. As soon as I went out the door the sniffer was sniffin on the ground and I found his trail. Even on cement, which is harder to track on cause there's no grass or anything for peoples to leave their smelly on.
We made it to the field and again, I got off leash. I bee-lined it to dad and guess what! There was also a dead frog there! I thought I might get to have it since I worked so hard, but dad said no.
I like tracking. It's fun and I get to use my brain and nose and stuff. And I get to wear my hot pink tracking harness! :)