Hey everybody! Thanks for keeping tabs on me! It means so much to have bloggy friends to send me well wishes!
So, as you heard my vet visit went pretty well. I was pretty sleepy and wonky all day Friday. Mom said it was mostly good news, so that's good! Saturday, mom cleaned house and moved the spare room into the old junk room. I supervised of course. Dad was impressed at mom moving it all in there by herself and at my supervision skills. Oh, and the new windows are making the house much more comfy, dad said the heating isn't running as much as it used to! Score money for noms!!!
Today mom said now that I'm not wonky it's back to training! Today we went downtown. There aren't many people there on a Sunday, but there's a lot of cars driving close by. At first I was nervous, but mom kept working on me walking pretty. We got on a roll and guess where we went?? To the firestation to see daddy! Wow!
He's at a new station downtown and I wasn't expecting to see him! It was pretty cool. At first I got nervous again, but I went up and sniffed some new peoples and then hung out with them. I showed off some basic stuff like sits and lays and even did it for the firemen when they asked me to! Mom and dad were so impressed!!
After all that hard work, we hung out outside at the back patio they have at the station, it was pretty nice.

Then mom and I walked back around downtown. I saw the creek, but wasn't allowed to go in. Boo! Mom said it's too cold and since we've had SO MUCH FREAKIN' RAIN it was moving too fast for me to get in. I think mom just didn't want a wet Anna in her car, but whatever.
It was a good day. Mom said we'll try to get out to Petsmart again this week before class!