Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Howl-A-Ween!!
And I'll be drawing the winner for the Spectacular Tongue-tacular contest later today!! So many great entries!!
Friday, October 30, 2009
More Tongue-tacular Pics!!
Fergy at Oldman's Contankerous Point of View
I'll keep trying to update photos as much as I can...I'm very sleepy. Rebel and I played ALL NIGHT last night! It was the best slumber party EV-ER! Good luck everyone!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Spectacular Tongue-Tacular Entries!
I'm missing one photo, Marge from Margeblog...I can't upload the photo. I'll try again later, but you should be able to link to her site. Maybe it will work for you!
The contest ends tomorrow at midnight, then sometime Saturday I will randomly draw out the winner!
Santa at Santa the Minature Schnauzer
Minnie from Minnie the Silky Terrier

Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Cleanin' for Relatives

While I get excited, mom gets all weird and cleans like crazy. Something about "her mom" coming down makes her weird. I guess she means Granny, but I don't get the big fuss is all about. Dad told me to just "go with the flow" like he does, cause it's best to just let mom do her thing and do whatever she needs to do....which includes vaccuming, steam cleaning and laundry out the wazzoo...even though they'll only be here for like an hour or two. Mom is so weird sometimes. She even attempted and I stress ATTEMPTED to put all my toys in my toybasket. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Umm...okay, whatever mom. Crazy woman!
Granny and Papaw are also bringing down a freezer. This will allow mom to order all my raw food in bulk...making it cheaper and as dad says, giving the kitchen fridge/freezer back to the peoples. Mom made my first bulk order and is going to pick it up Saturday...chicken backs, necks, turkey hearts and ground quail...which I've never had and have no freaking clue what a quail is. So I did a Google and found out its a little bird. Neat I guess.
Mom said while Rebel is here we're going to carve pump-kins and make some puppy print ornaments...she's going to have Rebel make one for Granny and PaPaw as a Xmas present! And then mom's going to have me and Duncan make some to put on the tree with the paw print from Maggie that the vet made for mom and dad when she went over the bridge. We'll take pictures of everything and let you know how it theory it should look like this:
Also, thanks for all the entries into my Spectacular Tongue-tacular Contest! I'm gettin to meet some new puppers and see some serious tongue action. Wait, that didn't sound right, oh well, good luck all! Friday is the deadline!!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
I was right....

I'm very worried this will lead to a trend...a cute trend, but something that might hurt my street cred yo!
In other news, if you enter my Spectacular Tongue-tacular contest, you don't have to have a tongue photo, just post about the contest on your blog and let me know you did so. The tongue photos are just a fun! We'll randomly choose the winner, photo or no.
Good luck! I'm going to try to get this shirt off....
Remember my contest~

Saturday, October 24, 2009
Squirrels have gone too far....

Do you know what this is? I had no idea until mom told me it was a squirrel's nest! Apparently in the wind and stuff yesterday it go knocked down out of the tree. At first I was ex-static because this meant they lost one of their blasted homes above my house. Ha ha take that stupid squirrels!!
But my smile and happiness was short you notice what I notice??? Well Watson, let's investigate the scene of the crime again at it, shall we?
I couldn't believe my puppy eyes...what? Still don't see it? See if this helps:
Yes, that little piece of turquoise and hot pink fabric is one of my Nuclear Monkey arms that I chewed off months ago! It's in their freakin nest! What the holy crap is that about?!?!
I chewed off his arms and played with them happily. I knew mom had thrown a couple of them away, so when one went missing I didn't think crap about it. But apparently, one of those devil squirrels snuck in the backyard while I was sleeping and stole MY amputated Nuclear Monkey arm and took it to their lair...where god only knows what they did with it.
My mind raced with what those little furry bastards did with it. Did they try to get my smell for war training exercises? Did they run around trees with it? Whipe their butts with it? Hump it? Oh god the humanity.
I can't think about it anymore...all I know is they've gone too far. I will show no mercy...NO MERCY I tell you! Guard your toys my friends...I asked mom to give monkey arm a proper burial or to just burn it of their squirrel-germs.
RIP Nuclear Monkey Arm. You fought the brave fight and we salute you!!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
ACHOO! Booger for you!!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Fall Friday?
I don't know what "Fall" is, this is my first fall and so far, I think I like it. It's nice and cool outside. I think it feels great, and mom and dad do too after they put on a "pull over". I'm also noticing some other cool fall things:
1. There are lots of leaves and stuff to roll around in. Dirty stuff. Rock on.
2. It's nice to snuggle up with mom and dad on the couch with blankets!
3. It's not so bloody hot!!
Now, there is a downside...apparently our nemisis, the squirrels, also enjoy "Fall". They are EVERYWHERE!! The other night on our walk (the Batman walk) we were walking on the school track and there, not five feet from us was a squirrel. Mom didn't see it, if it wasn't for me, I'm pretty sure he would have jumped her and scratched her eyes out like a rabid spidermonkey. But I scared him away. Mom would not let me chase it though, but he got the point.
They are also working really hard on burying their little landmines all over. Mom says they are burying nuts but that's just stupid and makes no sense. Why would you bury nuts?? I'm not falling for it.
This weekend dad is off Sat and Sunday! He and mom are going to paint the house and I, of course have to supervise, but I'm also keeping an eye out for squirrels. They are on the move my friends, do not become lazy, we must stay aware and vigilant for our peoples!!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009