This time, it had (notice HAD...warning bells people!) rained the day before and that morning so the woods were all foggy, which is perfect for the spoooooky woods trail. So we loaded up and took off. When we got there, mom asked dad "Should we take our raincoat pullover things?"
Dad: "'s nice out"
DING DING DING BAD DECISION ONE!! (I think you can see where this is going..)
So we get out, no one else is there, so I get to run free. We get in the creek, mom starts taking piktures and then realizes.."oh crap, my camera battery is about dead and I don't have a charger" Ughhhh BAD STUPID DECISION TWO!!!
But we did get a few creek pics:
That's it...the rest will have to be through my artist renditionings...
So anywhoo, we get to walking and we're having a good time, then we think we hear a BOOM....
Mom: Was that thunder?
Dad: Nah, I think it was a car on the parkway....
We keep going DING DING DING!! BAD DECSION THREE!!!! Since when does Mom EVER listen to dad?!?!? WHEN?!?!?!
Well, we go to the end, then start heading's over a mile back to the car...and then we start to feel small little know that moment when you kinda just hope it's bird poop? Nope, it's rains...from the sky....
Mom and dad look at each other and say some four letter words I'm not allowed to say.
I'm fine, I like water.
Duncan also says some choice words and gives mom and dad the stink eye....
It then starts to rain. Hard.
We stop at one point under some foliage for cover. I'm good. Dunc's pissed and mom says:
"I have water going down the crack of my (edited for younger readers) butt
So off we go...and it's POURING! We finally make it to the car where:
Dunc's all wet, poofy and pissed...
Mom and Dad are soaking wet...all the way to their underpants...
Even I'm not too happy, the rain is beating down my ears...funs over.
So then mom got the smart idea to go into the people potty shacks and dry off and change into her nice dry rain coat, so at least part of her be did the same...Dunc and I stayed wet in the back of the car.
We was soaked to the bone. It took about four towels to get us puppers dry enough to go in the cabin. Mom and dad took warm, intentional showers and we called it a day!! It took Dunc about the next day to dry and un-poofify. The next day (and rest of the trip) our car smelled like wet peoples, wet dogs and just WET!
It was so much fun!!! :)