Monday, April 27, 2015

Digging Tracks

One our afternoon walk we decided to check out the construction site near our house. Apparently the do be building some new people homes so we snooped went to check out their progress.

The boy, he do love him some construction stuffs.

I was all, "Whatever, I can dig much better than these things!!"

While the boy did be checking out the big trucks and stuff, I did do some sniffing. I sniffed all kinds of stuff. Other doggy tracks, even some raccoon tracks. Then I did find something that got my sniffer all working overdrive...

Mom said those do be deer tracks!!! What!?!? I had no idea we had deers right in our neighborhood! Maybe the deers do be moving in one of these new homes?

Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Monster Outside

It was a dark night...we was all chilling out when mom heard a noise outside the door...


Mom crept closer...ROOOOOOARRRRRRR!!!!

As she peered out into the darkness, there it was...the source of the loud roaring...

She opened the door, and what do it be?

Duncan. Snoring old Duncan! He wasn't too happy about being woken from his roaring-snoring slumber, but he was so loud we could hear him through the door and over the TV!!!

Maybe he needs one of them CPAP things??? BOL!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Hairy Review

Oh, glorious day! The UPS man, who I normally bark at, brought our monthly item to review! I was all excited! What do it be? Fishy noms? A bone? I knew it would be something yummy for me since I had the talk with mom about no more kitty-themed stuffs. I was soooo excited! I couldn't wait to see  and eat it...

Hmm...this doesn't smell like a treat....


For SOME reason mom decided to try out the Furminator Dual Brush thingy. Once I realized it do be a brush, I hightailed my fluffy butt right out of there. I sat far away and gived mom the stink eye. Now, for some reason, Duncan do love to be brushed, so mom got him to try this thing out.

The brush do have two sides, one is with the small needly things and the other more normal brush bristles. The brush bristles were more of a pain than anything, since the Duncan fur did stick to it in no time and was a pain to get out. So then we did try the needly side.

The evidence is above. The bottom floofy pile is from the new Furminator brush. The top floofy pile is from our old Furminator rake thing. Even after using the New brush, the old one was better at getting more of Duncan's furs quicker. Which is good, because for some reason mom doesn't want to spend hours brushing a dog.

Maybe the brush is better for dogs with longer hair? Mom did get it on me for a few swipes and didn't get too much. I think the needles do be too far apart for maximum Duncan de-floofing. It works, just takes more time.

Overall, we do only have to give this 2 our of 4 paws. I think it do just depend on fur types,  but the birds did appreciate it. They do have some warm birdie nests for sure now!