Dad said to just give him a Snickers! (here's the commercial he's regarding). See, apparently in his old age Dunc has decided he wants things done his way when he wants them done. He decided this this week.
He's always loved to eat, but now he's become quite vocal when HE decides it's time to eat dinner. He'll bark at mom and dad and even nipped dad's booty the other day to urge him to go inside and feed him. Once inside he stands in the kitchen just giving a look....

While at Granny and paw paw's for Christmas, mom and dad went to dad's parents for dinner. Mom forgot to get Dunc's dog bed out of the back of the car. Dunc decided at 8:30 he wanted to go lay in the bedroom on his bed, so Granny took him in there and he stared at the floor, back to granny, to the floor, back to granny and just HUFFED and gave Granny the stink eye!!! Granny gave him a nice comfy quilt to use and he sat, looked at her like "WTF??" and finally, laid down. And pouted. Wow.
He also now requires that a light be on in the room if he decides to go lay down before the rest of us go to bed. Next thing you know he'll want caviar and bottled water!
This brings us to yesterday. Mom got home, let us out and Dunc and I were wrestling...err...playing nicely and mom heard a yelp. She thought it was me, but when she came over we both were just standing there like "what? did you hear that bird yelp like a dog??".
Mom shrugged it off and went inside to cook dinner. Later when dad came home, mom was petting Dunc and noticed dried blood on the top of his head and side of his face! She got out the First Aid kit aka the Duncan kit and looked all over. No punctures, but he had a small tear on his ear. I have no idea how this could have happened, we play so gentle!

So mom hydrogen peroxided it and cleaned it and put on some neo-spore-in. it's a small tear, but now Dunc thinks' he's all Gangsta and is going by the name Left Ear Lopez. He thinks he's hot cause as he says "chicks dig scars".

Sigh. I don't know if the house is big enough for two divas.