I'm back! Yay! Mom made it back from Collar-ado. It seemed like FOREVER! She had fun but was glad to be home, she missed us tons, oh, and dad too! She even brought us all back presents, but first, here's some of her photos:

After her conference in Denver, she and Aunt Temple headed to Estes Park, outside the Rocky Mountain Park. It was soooo pretty, and warm, and then....

BAM!! Snow!! It was crazee! While dad and Duncan and I were sweating our butts off in 90 degrees, mom and Aunt T had a winter wonderland!!

This is at Bear Lake...somewhere, under that snow is water....

How much snow you ask? Well take this example, mom and Aunt T were walking ABOVE the trail marker signs, they had to be dug out so they knew where they were! That's like 5 feets of snows!

But even with the snows they found wildlife, they found this bunny. Apparently, the snow makes the bunnies crazy, cause while all the park signs say DO NOT APPROACH WILDLIFE the wildlife must not do the same, cause this bunny charged Aunt Temple...Frankie Furter is right, bunnies are the devil!

They finally found some lowland areas that weren't up to their butts in snow. That's mom looking like a frozen hermit in the corner.

After all the hiking, mom and Aunt T went to stay at the Stanley Hotel, where some dude wrote some Shining book. It snowed all night there too! It is pretty though, and dog friendly which allowed mom to see puppens and miss me!

Check out that stairwell....I'd so want to slide down the banisters!

This is the part mom stayed in. No ghosts though. I think they were scared I'd come put the bitey on them if they messed with the mom.

Mom said this is the hallway that inspired the creepy scene in the movie...

When they awoke on Sunday to come home, this was their view. I know a few husky-roos who'd have a BLAST there!!!

When mom got out my present, I thought she was being mean! I can't has chocolate!

Oh, but no, I was wrong, this was a doggie friendly chocolate NOM!!! Oh, Duncan and I NOMMED out hearts out!! It was glorious!!!
So, we're here for now. Mom leaves Sunday for a beach conference! Gah woman! If we missed your blogs we apologize, we're going to try to make the rounds today!! Chocolately kisses!