When mom came home from work yesterday, she had a freak out. As she pulled up to the house, she noticed the front door WIDE OPEN!!
Mom started to wig out...the sheet-rock guys had come to finish the house and they'd left the door open, mom instantly ran in and did a kitty search (Dunc and I were safely in the backyard).
First kitty she found was Simon, he was actually by the door, but still in the house. Whew! Then she proceeded to the kitty cave of doom (aka under the bed) where she found Mia. Two down! But where was the fat devil kitty, Alley??
Mom looked all over in Alley's hidey spots, no devil cat. She took a flashlight and went outside looking for her. I volunteered to help, but since Alley doesn't like me at all, mom thought that I may scare her, so I watched from the backyard.
Dad called and asked how the sheet-rock looked and she said fine, but she was pre-occupied with finding Alley. Dad was at work and said he'd come home, but mom said that was okay, she'd find her. Mom asked the sheet-rock guys if they had seen a kitty (or el gato as she told them) and they said no.
At this point, mom was starting to freak out a bit...Alley cannot survive in the wild. She's kinda chubby and loves her kitty noms. Mom walked up and down our road, shining her flashy light into our neighbors shrubs (I'm suprised someone didn't call her in for being a cat burgalar!!). Frustrated and about to cry, dad called to check and said the last place he was Alley was the living room.
In one final attempt, mom looked UNDER the loveseat, and there was Alley! How she got under there we have no idea. More shocking is that the loveseat is RIGHT NEXT to the open door! Whew! Thank god Alley is lazy and didn't venture outside!!!
The sheet-rock guys said they were so sorry, they never saw any kitties and they opened the door cause the dust from the sanding of the sheet-rock was a lot. Mom said that was okay, everyone was accounted for.
Mom says there's no worse feeling that feeling like you've lost one of your furry kids! I told mom I'd never run away, that's what makes me better than a kitty. I know to stay home with my noms and toys. Apparently kitties don't know this. Again proving my theory kitties are weird.
In the end, the sheet-rock looks great, mom cleaned dust all night and we all slept soundly...me, mom and dad on the bed, with Simon curled up next to mom and Alley sleeping on mom's pillow. Glad everything is back to normal!!